
Do you need to know more about: 
  • Ageism and how to address it effectively?
  • How to implement reframing aging in your organization or community, or among your grantees?
  • How to convince your organization about the case for older workers and intergenerational teams?
Janine can customize a virtual presentation for your organization, and is also available for select in-person workshops. To request a workshop, click on the button below and let us know the content, desired outcomes and budget for your workshop, as well as dates if you have them.

Coming soon—a line of courses on Teachable. 

Janine has curated some of her best content into a series of short courses on Teachable. They will cover all of the topics listed above, as well as a series of courses for individuals seeking to develop their own encore roadmaps.

To receive notification of when the courses go live, subscribe to our mailing list.

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